1. Restaking协议
2. EigenLayer
3. Kelp DAO
4. ether.fi
5. Eigenpie
6. Renzo
7. Puffer Finance
8. Swell Network
9. Stakestone
10. ClayStack
11. Inception
12. Sommelier Finance
13. Astrid
14. GenesisLRT
15. Rest Finance
16. Restake Finance DAO
17. StakeEase
18. YieldNest
19. Euclid Finance
20. Rio Network
21. Layerless
22. LRTFi
23. Agilely
24. Entangle
25. Ion Protocol
26. Pendle
27. Equilibria
28. Maverick Protocol
29. Davos
30. Ender Protocol
31. Restaking公链
32. Supermeta
33. Tenet
34. Karak
35. Omni Network
36. Restaking基础设施
37. AltLayer
38. Exocore
39. SSV Network
40. Hyperlane
41. Ethos
42. Polygon生态
43. Polygon 2.0
44. NEAR生态
45. LiNEAR Protocol
46. Octopus Network
47. Solana生态
48. Picasso
49. 比特币生态
50. Babylon
51. BNB Chain生态
52. Yield 24
53. Berachain生态
54. Beradrome
55. 其他
56. Origin DeFi
57. Redacted Cartel(Dinero)
Restaking 协议
是否发币: 未发币
支持质押币种: ankrETH、cbETH、wBETH、oETH、swETH、stETH、ETHx、osETH 等
是否多重积分累积: EigenLayer 积分
Kelp DAO
是否发币: 未发币
支持质押币种: ETHx、sfrxETH、stETH
是否多重积分累积: 是
是否发币: 未发币
支持质押币种: ETH
是否多重积分累积: 是
是否发币: 未发币
支持质押币种: swETH、wBETH、mETH、sfrxETH、rETH、stETH 等
是否多重积分累积: 即将推出 EigenLayer 积分
是否发币: 未发币
支持质押币种: ETH
是否多重积分累积: 是
Puffer Finance
是否发币: 未发币
支持质押币种: stETH、wstETH
是否多重积分累积: 是
Swell Network
是否发币: 未发币
支持质押币种: ETH
是否多重积分累积: 是
是否发币: 未发币
支持质押币种: ETH
是否多重积分累积: 暂无
是否发币: 未发币
支持质押币种: ETH、rETH、stETH
是否多重积分累积: 是
是否发币: 未发币
支持质押币种: stETH、rETH、ankrETH、cbETH、wBETH、oETH、osETH、swETH、ETHx、sfrxETH、mETH 等
是否多重积分累积: 否
Sommelier Finance
是否发币: 是
支持质押币种: eETH、stETH、swETH
是否多重积分累积: 是
是否发币: 未发币
支持质押币种: stETH、rETH 或 cbETH
是否多重积分累积: 暂无
是否发币: 未发币
支持质押币种: ETH
是否多重积分累积: 暂无
Rest Finance
是否发币: 未发币
支持质押币种: ETH、stETH、rETH、cbETH 等
是否多重积分累积: 是
Restake Finance DAO(RestakeFi)
是否发币: 未发币
支持质押币种: LST
是否多重积分累积: 是
是否发币: 未发币
支持质押币种: LST
是否多重积分累积: 否
Euclid Finance
是否发币: 未发币
支持质押币种: ETH、LST
是否多重积分累积: 是
Rio Network
Ion Protocol
是否发币: 是
支持质押币种: eETH、reETH、ezETH
是否多重积分累积: 是
Maverick Protocol
Ender Protocol
Restaking 公链
Omni Network
Restaking 基础设施
是否发币: 未发币
支持质押币种: LST,产品尚未上线
是否多重积分累积: 否
SSV Network
Polygon 生态
Polygon 2.0
是否发币: 是
支持质押币种: POL
LiNEAR Protocol
是否发币: 是
支持质押币种: bLiNEAR、LiETH
是否多重积分累积: 是
Octopus Network
是否发币: 是
支持质押币种: NEAR
Solana 生态
BNB Chain 生态
Yield 24
是否发币: 是
支持质押币种: ETH、BNB、BTC、稳定币或 LRT
是否多重积分累积: 是
Berachain 生态
Origin DeFi
Redacted Cartel(Dinero)
从 Cosmos、Solana 生态到以太坊,质押已经是行业公认的财富密码。随着以太坊流动性质押与资本效率需求的提高,EigenLayer发币预期、AltLayer空投大毛与Renzo融资信息直接引爆Restaking大战。Restaking由Eigenlayer创办人Sreeram Kannan首次提出,允许将已经质押在以太坊上的ETH,再次质押在其他共识协议上,让其共享到以太坊的经济安全性,保证自身的安全启动和执行。
目前,Renzo、ether.fi、Kelp DAO、Eigenpie、Swell、Puffer Finance等以太坊LRT项目的空投积分计划带动了市场的FOMO情绪。在这些主流项目之外,Restaking赛道是否还有其他机会?为此,笔者对Restaking赛道做一简要盘点,共整理47个项目,以太坊Restaking协议有20个,全链LRT协议则有7个。除EigenLayer与以太坊相关协议、LRTFi、基础设施外,笔者也整理了部分Cosmos、NEAR、Solana、比特币、BNB Chain、Polygon、Berachain等其他公链Restaking项目,以馈读者。
EigenLayer是以太坊再质押协议,也是再质押赛道的龙头,支持ankrETH、cbETH、wBETH、oETH、swETH、stETH、ETHx、osETH等LST代币,以太坊验证节点还可使用原生ETH再质押。据DefiLlama数据显示,EigenLayer TVL已超过20亿美元,自12月18日涨超7倍。
2023年2月,EigenLayer背后团队EigenLabs完成5000万美元A轮融资,Blockchain Capital领投,Coinbase Ventures、Polychain Capital、Hack VC、Electric Capital、IOSG Ventures等参投,估值条款没有披露。
Kelp DAO是一个多链流动性质押平台,其创办人此前创立了流动性质押协议Stader Labs,Stader在Polygon与BNB Chain上均是第二大LSD协议。据DefiLlama数据显示,Kelp DAO TVL现为2.55亿美元。
Kelp DAO目前正在EigenLayer上构建LRT解决方案,其再质押代币为rsETH,目前支持的LST包括ETHx(Stader)、sfrxETH(Frax)与stETH(Lido)。使用者可将上述资产再质押换取rsETH,reETH价格目前是各种奖励与已质押LST的基础价格。rsETH可用于其他DeFi协议。
目前,Kelp DAO已推出Kelp Miles激励。Kelp Miles用于追踪使用者对Kelp的贡献,并用于确定未来的奖励分配比例。Kelp Miles取决于使用者的LST再质押数量与质押天数。此前2023年12月12日至2024年1月1日质押LST的使用者,可在未来3个月内获得1.25倍Kelp Miles。1月1日之后质押LST的使用者将照常获得Kelp Miles奖励。
此外,所有在EigenLayer存款上限关闭前在Kelp上重质押的使用者均有资格获得EigenLayer Points,该积分将根据使用者存入LST数量进行分配。
ether.fi是一个流动性质押平台,已于2023年11月15日推出其流动性再质押代币eETH,允许使用者抵押其ETH以获得质押奖励,并自动在EigenLayer中再质押其ETH,无需使用者手动完成再质押。eETH可用于Pendle、Curve、Balancer、Maverick、Gravita、Term Finance、Smmelier等DeFi协议。使用者可将eETH封装成weETH,weETH未来也可在Balancer、Gravita、Pendle、Aura、Maverick等DApp中使用。此外,ether.fi还将推出Staders,可用于质押eETH。据DefiLlama数据显示,ether.fi TVL现为5.07亿美元。
ether.fi已推出忠诚度积分,eETH或weETH持有者可100%获得忠诚度积分与EigenLayer积分,忠诚度积分或将用于去中心化治理,不可转移。忠诚度积分=质押的ETH * 1000 *质押天数。
此前1月23日,Eigenpie公布EGP代币经济学,总供应量为1000万,分配包括IDO(40%)、社群激励(35%)、Magpie Treasury(15%)和早期支持者空投(10%)。Eigenpie承诺通过公平启动引入EGP代币,无VC或预售活动的参与,确保为所有参与者提供平等机会。团队放弃代币分配,将15%的EGP代币分配给Magpie Treasury。
Renzo是一个基于EigenLayer构建的以太坊质押协议,主网已于去年12月18日上线,并推出原生ETH再质押功能,使用者可赚取ETH再质押收益与100%的EigenLayer积分。使用者每存入一个LST或ETH,都将铸造等量的ezETH。Renzo执行一个由Figment和P2P.org支持的分散式以太坊验证器基础设施,可无限制参与EigenLayer。当用户存入原生ETH时,需达到32枚ETH最低限额后通过以太坊信标链验证节点进行质押。Renzo还将推出Trade功能。据DefiLlama数据显示,Renzo TVL约为1.55亿美元。
2024年1月16日,Renzo完成320万美元的种子轮融资,Maven11领投,OKX Ventures、IOSG Ventures、Figment Capital、SevenX Ventures等参投,估值达2500万美元。
Puffer Finance是一个基于Eigenlayer构建的原生流动性再质押协议,该协议由质押者与节点运营商(NoOps)组成,使用者持有1枚ETH即可执行验证器并保留100% PoS奖励(包括执行奖励与共识奖励)。NoOps可将其验证器中的ETH委托为再质押运营商(ReOps)以换取再质押奖励,节点运营商(NoOps)还可自主选择其MEV策略。质押者则可以存入任意数量ETH,以获取原生流动性质押代币(nLRT)pufETH。pufETH还采用Compound的cToken机制,不仅可与DeFi协议完全兼容,而且pufETH价值会随着协议铸造验证器票证(tickets)与PoS再质押奖励的增加而提高。
图片来源:Puffer Docs
2023年9月1日,Rocket Pool、StakeWise、Stader Labs、Diva Stake、Puffer Finance和Swell Network等多家以太坊流动性质押提供商承诺(或正在承诺)限制其持有量不高于总质押量的22%,旨在应对以太坊质押市场日益集中化的问题。
2023年8月,Puffer Finance完成550万美元种子轮融资,Lemniscap和Lightspeed Faction领投,Brevan Howard Digital、Bankless Ventures、Animoca Ventures、KuCoin Ventures、DACM、LBank Labs、SNZ、Canonical Crypto、33DAO、WAGMI33、Concave及天使投资人Lightspeed合伙人Anand Iyer、Eigen Layer创办人Sreeram Kannan、Coinbase质押业务主管Frederick Allen、F2pool和Cobo联创神鱼、Curve核心贡献者区块先生、北美区块链协会会长Ramble、Eigen Layer首席战略官Calvin Liu、Obol首席商务官Richard Malone、质押社群领袖Ladislaus von Daniels参投。
2024年1月30日,Binance Labs宣布投资LSD协议Puffer Finance,具体投资金额未披露。
Puffer Finance即将开放质押ETH、stETH、USDT和USDC,使用者同时获得Puffer及EigenLayer积分奖励。此外,Puffer Finance已于1月30日开启Crunchy Carrot活动,使用者可以链接Twitter账户以及钱包,选择“Family”后转发活动推文,即可获得积分,并允许检视积分排行榜。目前,Puffer Finance已提前结束第一阶段质押,第二阶段质押已开启,TVL已突破1.5亿美元。
Swell Network是一个以太坊质押协议,已于今年1月30日推出再质押代币rswETH(Restaked Swell Ether),提供对EigenLayer Restaking积分的无上限访问,可在DeFi中使用,同时继续累积Restaking Rewards: Currently, rewETH 1.0 allows users to deposit ETH to earn rswETH and accumulate restaking rewards in the form of Pearls and EigenLayer Restaked points. According to DefiLlama data, Swell TVL is $457 million, and Swell Liquid Restaking TVL is $4.43 million.
On March 14, 2022, Swell Network completed a $3.75 million funding round with Framework Ventures as the lead investor. The native token of Swell Network, SWELL, has not been launched yet, and the token economics have not been disclosed.
Stakestone is a one-stop full-chain LST staking protocol that aims to bring native staking rewards and liquidity to Layer2. It supports top-tier staking pools, is compatible with restaking, and will integrate EigenLayer. StakeStone supports ETH beacon chain restaking and LST restaking, aiming to become a leading protocol in the restaking space. According to DefiLlama data, in just 3 weeks from December 15, 2023, to January 3, 2024, StakeStone TVL surged from $4.17 million to $542 million, and the current TVL is $669 million. StakeStone also actively participated in Manta’s incentive campaign, providing $720 million in liquidity in Manta’s $9 billion TVL.
StakeStone’s native LST token is STONE, which has officially upgraded to a full-chain LRT. STONE is an OFT based on LayerZero and can be seamlessly used in multi-chain liquidity markets, such as DEX, AMM, lending, stablecoins, derivatives, GameFi, SocialFi, etc. STONE does not adopt the rebase mechanism, but it is similar to Lido’s wstETH in terms of generating revenue. In other words, the quantity of STONE does not change with the revenue generated by ETH staking, but its value increases with the increase in ETH staking revenue. This is similar to Puffer’s utility model using cTokens.
StakeStone has not launched its token yet, and the team plans to launch a related airdrop campaign. Currently, users can stake ETH in StakeStone and earn rewards from the STONE-Fi ecosystem.
ClayStack is a liquidity staking platform that entered the Ethereum restaking field through EigenLayer on January 24. ClayStack has changed its Ethereum liquidity staking token, called csETH, to a restaking token and will use the Ethereum restaking protocol EigenLayer to provide new services. Currently, ClayStack supports ETH, rETH, stETH restaking in the protocol. According to DefiLlama data, ClayStack TVL is currently $3.96 million.
CLAY is the native token of ClayStack and will announce its issuance plan in February. It will provide reward points to users at a 1:1 ratio before the token release. The total supply of CLAY is 100 million, and 5% of the tokens will be distributed to the community through the IGD (Initial Governance Diversification) program.
Users can stake ETH or LST to earn CLAY points and EigenLayer points without any limit. During the IGD period, users can earn more CLAY rewards. As the weekly ETH deposits increase, the demand for csETH will also increase, and the distribution of CLAY points will increase.
Inception is an isolated liquidity restaking protocol that supports restaking various LSTs such as stETH, rETH, ankrETH, cbETH, wBETH, oETH, osETH, swETH, ETHx, sfrxETH, mETH, and issues isolated liquidity restaking tokens (iLRTs). iLRTs can be used in DeFi protocols while remaining isolated from the underlying LST. Inception has launched on the Ethereum mainnet with a current TVL of $65,000. Inception will also expand to other Layer2 networks and integrate multiple DeFi protocols.
According to the roadmap, Inception will start private round fundraising in the first quarter of 2024, launch the mainnet, start TGE in the second quarter, and develop full-chain LRT. InceptionLRT will launch its native token ING, and the current token distribution rules are as follows: 2.5% for Pre-Seed round, 9% for seed round, 10% for private round, 6% for treasury, 6% for advisors, 3% for marketing, 15% for team members, and 48.5% for liquidity incentives.
Sommelier Finance is a decentralized asset management protocol built on the Cosmos SDK. It has launched restaking vaults for Turbo eETH, Turbo stETH, and Turbo swETH. Users can earn loyalty points from ether.fi by depositing funds in the eETH vault. According to DefiLlama data, Sommelier TVL is currently $60.23 million.
The native token of Sommelier is SOMM, with a total supply of 500 million. The token distribution has been completed in August 2023 to all investors.
Astrid is an Ethereum liquidity restaking protocol supported by EigenLayer. Users can deposit LST (stETH, rETH, or cbETH) into the restaking pool and receive Astrid liquidity restaking tokens (LRTs) such as rstETH, rrETH, or rcbETH. LST is restaked on EigenLayer and delegated to multiple operators through Astrid DAO voting. The rewards earned by users are compounded, restaked back into EigenLayer, and distributed through balance resets. Users holding LRT will see their balances adjust automatically.
Astrid has launched on the testnet and introduced restaking points. Astrid points are determined based on the amount of ETH restaked by users and the duration of restaking, with the total points being the sum of stETH points and rETH points.
GenesisLRT is a restaking platform that allows users to restake ETH on multiple networks to receive the restaking token genETH. GenesisLRT has launched on the testnet, and the mainnet has not been activated yet. According to the official website, the TVL of restaked ETH on the Genesis testnet is $147 million.
According to the roadmap, GenesisLRT will complete seed round fundraising and a $3 million private round in the first quarter of 2023. It will also deploy the Genesis governance token GEN and start TGE in the second quarter. In the second half of the year, it will develop full-chain LRT and modular LRT.
Restaking Cloud – K2 is an Ethereum liquidity restaking protocol that has launched on the testnet and currently supports restaking kETH, stETH, rETH, dETH, and ETH to earn K2. However, the TVL is currently 0.
Rest Finance is an ACM (Algorithm Collateral Manager) enhanced liquidity staking solution. Users can stake ETH, stETH, rETH, cbETH, and other LSTs to earn restETH, Rest Finance’s liquidity restaking token. RestETH holders receive instant LST rewards and EigenLayer AVS rewards. ACM provides deep liquidity to the protocol, increases yield, and enhances stability anchoring.
Rest Finance has launched on January 29, but according to the official website, the TVL of Rest Finance is currently 0.
The native token of Rest Finance is REST, which has not been issued yet. The total supply is 100 million, with a fully diluted valuation (FDV) of $20 million. 10% of the REST token supply will be allocated to the Investor Reserve, 20% to contributors, 5% to the DAO treasury, 5% for initial liquidity, and 60% for token release. REST token holders can exercise oREST, an option to purchase REST at a discounted market price, which results in a premium payment directly to the protocol.
RestakeFi is a modular liquidity restaking platform supported by EigenLayer. Users can stake their LST in RestakeFi to earn rstETH, the restaking token. RstETH holders can earn native rewards from EigenLayer and Ethereum staking rewards. RstETH can also be traded on DEX and integrated into DeFi protocols. RestakeFi has launched on the testnet, and the mainnet has not been released yet.
In September 2023, RestakeFi completed a $500,000 seed round with participation from AlfaDAO, DCD, Yields and More, Moni, and others.
StakeEase is a cross-chain restaking aggregator supported by the Router’s Cross-Chain Intent Framework (CCIF). It allows users to complete multi-step restaking processes with a single click. On January 18, StakeEase launched on the Ethereum Goerli testnet and can now support staking ETH with Stader and restaking with Kelp.
StakeEase will soon introduce a points system and launch on the mainnet, integrating more protocols and LSTs.
YieldNest is a liquidity restaking protocol supported by EigenLayer. It has not launched its product yet.
Euclid Finance is a full-chain liquidity restaking protocol based on EigenLayer. Users can restake their ETH and LST in the protocol and earn LRT elETH. ElETH can be automatically compounded, and holders of elETH can earn restaking rewards, EigenLayer points, and Euclid governance token ECL rewards. Additionally, if users independently restake ECL and restake ETH or LST, they can join the operator node network.
Euclid Finance has not launched its product yet, and the token situation has not been announced.
Rio Network is a liquidity restaking network. Its first restaking token is reETH, and the restake product has not been launched yet. Chorus One, Figment, HashKey Cloud, Kiln, and Unit 410 are the first batch of node operators on Rio Network, operating ETH validators and maintaining AVS.
According to the official documentation, Rio Network has completed a seed round of funding with Polygon Capital, Blockchain Capital, and Breyer Capital as lead investors.
Layerless is a full-chain liquidity restaking protocol supported by EigenLayer and LayerZero. It was launched on January 4 and does not have an official website yet. It will launch on the testnet in the first week of February. Layerless is building full-chain restaking tokens (ORTs) that allow users to restake LST tokens supported by EigenLayer into EigenLayer, and the received ORTs will have liquidity and can be used in DeFi protocols.
Agilely is a liquidity restaking derivatives protocol. It has introduced decentralized lending protocols on Arbitrum and launched the Agilely USD stablecoin (USDA) supported by LayerZero. Agilely supports assets such as ETH, wstETH, rETH, cbETH, sfrxETH, wBTC, ARB, GLP, GMX, and LRT as collateral. Currently, it allows the minting of USDA with ETH, wstETH, rETH, wBTC, sfrxETH, and cbETH but not LRT. Users can collateralize these assets to create Vaults and borrow USDA.
Agilely supports Arbitrum, BNB Chain, and Polygon. Agilely token AGL has not been released yet and will launch public sales and a points program.
Entangle is a cross-chain DeFi protocol, with products including Liquid Vaults, oracles, and the Photon communication protocol. Entangle aims to enter the restaking space, where users can deposit LP tokens or restaking tokens into Liquid Vaults to receive LSD tokens on a 1:1 basis. LSD tokens can be restaked or exchanged. Entangle currently supports 11 blockchain networks. Entangle has launched on the testnet and initiated a testnet incentive program.
In January 2024, Entangle completed a $4 million seed and private round of funding, with participation from Big Brain Holdings, Launch Code Capital, LBank Labs, Skynet EGLD Capital, Cogitent Ventures, Owl Ventures, Faculty Group, and Seier Capital.
Entangle’s native token is NGL, which has not been released yet.
Ion Protocol is a liquidity release protocol for stakers and a lending platform for staked and restaked assets. Users can deposit any staker-supported assets (including LST, LST LP positions, restaking positions, liquidity restaking positions, staked LST LP positions, LST index products, etc.) into collateral vaults and mint allETH from their deposits.
Ion Protocol has launched V2 on the testnet. In July 2023, Ion Protocol completed a $2 million Pre-Seed round of funding, led by Portal Ventures and SevenX Ventures. Participants include Foresight X, Bankless Ventures, Maelstrom Fund, Alexander, Anthony Sassano (sassal.eth), founder of The Daily Gwei, and Ryan Watkins, co-founder of Syncracy Capital.
Additionally, Ion Protocol was selected as one of the first projects in the Foresight X Accelerator Program in March 2023.
Pendle is a yield protocol that has recently launched the Pendle LRT pool, which supports ether.fi’s eETH, Kelp DAO’s reETH, and Renzo Finance’s ezETH. Users can purchase Pendle YT tokens to receive points (2-3x) from the corresponding LRT protocol and EigenLayer points (1x).
Equilibria is a yield booster on Pendle that utilizes the veToken/boosting model adopted by Pendle. It enables LPs to earn higher yields by providing vePendle tokenized version ePENDLE and provides additional rewards for PENDLE holders. LPs on Pendle can deposit funds through Equilibria to increase their yields without holding any vePENDLE positions. PENDLE holders can use their PENDLE to mint ePENDLE, which can be restaked for additional rewards.
Maverick Protocol is a DeFi infrastructure that allows liquidity providers to achieve high capital efficiency through their desired LP strategies. It currently supports LRTs such as rsETH, rswETH, and weETH, and their related assets.
In June 2023, Maverick Protocol completed a $9 million strategic round of funding, with Founders Fund leading the round and participation from Pantera Capital, Binance Labs, Coinbase Ventures, and Apollo Crypto. This funding will be used to scale the protocol, deploy to new chains, and support developers in building on the infrastructure. Maverick Protocol is also the 34th project on Binance Launchpool.
Davos is an overcollateralized stablecoin project that has integrated LST and LRT as collateral debt positions (CDPs). Users can deposit collateral and mint the fully collateralized stablecoin DUSD. For LST, Davos sets the Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio at 66%, ensuring that borrowed DUSD is overcollateralized by 150%. Davos supports Ethereum mainnet, Polygon mainnet, Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon zkEVM, BNB Smart Chain, Linea mainnet, and Avalanche.
According to DefiLlama data, Davos TVL is approximately $486,000.
In January 2023, Davos raised a $500,000 Pre-Seed round with participation from Polygon Ventures and Sandeep Nailwal, co-founder of Polygon.MH Ventures、LD Capital投資了MH Ventures、LD Capital。此外,Davos Protocol曾在2023年9月參加了OKX Web3錢包Cryptopedia第七期活動。
Ender Protocol是一個充滿活力的流動性質押協議,允許使用者鑄造中心化收益代幣與流動性質押權力代幣END。END由Ender Bond債券存款的流動性質押完全抵押。Ender即將推出endETH,并在EigenLayer堆疊上構建再質押解決方案。他們在1月31日的推文中稱Ender Protocol是一個多合一的流動性質押、再質押、收益分離、收益提供、LST-bond、變形收益壓縮、元宇宙bond、由流動性質押驅動的元宇宙、L2-EVOS、superfluid再質押與流動性供應衍生品協議,旨在成為與Pendle類似的基於收益率的流動性質押收益交易協議。
Ender Protocol可鑄造Ender WL NFT#2以獲得早期參與資格並領取ENDR空投,無VC與私募輪參與,代幣也不會分配給內部人員。使用者還可參與Bond流動性供應(BLP)活動以獲取空投。
Tenet還擁有原生穩定幣協議,以支援在Tenet上鑄造所有tLSD。其美元穩定幣為LSDC(Liquid Stake Dollar),可用於支付Tenet穩定幣協議上的貸款,在創世期間可通過再質押至Tenet valdiator網路的LSD來鑄造。使用者既可免息借貸LSDC,也可通過基礎抵押品收益賺取利息。
2023年12月13日,Karak開發商Andalusia Labs完成4,800萬美元A輪融資,Lightspeed Venture Partners領投,估值超過10億美元。參投方包括Mubadala Capital以及Pantera Capital、Framework Ventures、Bain Capital Ventures和Digital Money Group等。
Omni Network是一個再質押區塊鏈,允許開發者跨所有Rollups訪問其應用程式。Omni驗證者需再質押其ETH參與網路共識。Omni引入了統一的全域性狀態層,通過EigenLayer的再質押來保證安全,其再質押可用於在不同Rollup之間進行跨鏈通訊、借貸等。
2023年4月,Omni Network完成1800萬美元融資,Pantera Capital、Two Sigma Ventures、Jump Crypto、Hashed、The Spartan Group等參投。
AltLayer是一個Rollup即服務協議。2023年12月,EigenLayer與AltLayer合作推出Restaked Rollups。AltLayer期望將Restaked Rollups作為單個捆綁包提供,以便Rollup使用者可以從單點整合中獲益。Restaked Rollups可以將去中心化排序、快速確定性、可組合性等功能整合到一個單一的Rollup中。
Exocore是一個全鏈再質押協議,採用模組化架構設計,結合基於Tendermint的拜占庭容錯(BFT)共識機制、零知識(ZK)輕客戶端橋接和完全相容EVM的執行環境。Exocore允許將所有支援鏈上的任何代幣進行再質押,包括原生L1、L2協議代幣、LST、DeFi LP代幣、穩定幣與其他代幣化資產,為鏈下服務提供加密經濟安全。Exocore通過無需信任跨鏈橋機制與外部L1、L2區塊鏈無縫對接,無需引入額外的信任假設。同時,Exocore引入「聯盟再質押」概念,鏈下服務可形成一個聯盟,以相互擴展套件其加密經濟安全。
SSV Network是一個去中心化的開源ETH質押網路,基於分散式驗證器技術(DVT)。1月4日的推文顯示,SSV將與EigenLayer合作互補再質押,其聲稱一個「主網」EigenLayer驗證器正在SSV上執行。同時,EigenLayer與質押者均可選擇將驗證器的職責轉移給SSV,并保持EigenLayer上ETH的再質押狀態,以獲取SSV激勵主網額外收益。
2022年9月,Hyperlane完成1850萬美元融資,Crypto Investor Variant領投,Galaxy Digital、CoinFund、Circle、Figment、Blockdaemon、Kraken Ventures和NFX參投。
Ethos旨在將以太坊再質押至Cosmos,應用鏈可受益於以太坊經濟安全。Ethos採用Mesh Security共享安全解決方案,通過部署AVS來利用EigenLayer基礎設施,并依靠IBC與Ethos應用鏈來協調消費者鏈之間的使用者權益。EigenLayer再質押者將ETH存入以太坊Layer1上的AVS,并選擇一個節點運營商進行委託。執行層節點運營商在每個Cosmos消費者鏈上都有一個預設的驗證器來委託其虛擬質押(virtual stake)。然后,Ethos應用鏈通過IBC將更新的狀態協調到各自的消費鏈,并處理後續的獎勵和/或罰沒更新。這些都會通過鏈下中繼機制反應到以太坊L1的AVS合約上。
Ethos目前處於私有測試網階段。1月20日,Ethos宣佈,去中心化資管協議Sommelier Finance是其第一個啟動合作伙伴。
2023年6月,Polygon推出Polygon 2.0,旨在成為一個由ZK技術提供支援的由L2鏈組成的統一網路,以建立網際網路的「價值層」。Polygon聯創Sandeep Nailwal曾在2023年8月在Twitter上表示,在Polygon 2.0中,其新代幣POL被質押在質押中心(staking hub)中,使用者可以同時在不同鏈上質押相同的POL,這種質押方法稱為「神聖再質押」(enshrined restaking)。
Polygon 2.0旨在消除再質押對第三方的依賴,以增強生態系統安全性並降低中心化風險。
LiNEAR Protocol是NEAR生態全鏈流動性質押與再質押協議,使用者可質押或再質押ETH、NEAR與其他資產賺取收益,並接收LiNEAR、bLiNEAR與LiETH。LiNEAR為LST,bLiNEAR與LiETH則是LRT。LRT資產不僅可獲取再質押收益,還可獲取PoS質押獎勵。
據DefiLlama資料顯示,LiNEAR Protocol TVL現為6,163萬美元。
1月17日,LiNEAR Protocol推出治理代幣LNR,並通過Genesis Airdrop向活躍社群成員分發,快照時間為2023年4月5日至12月31日。使用者可在2024年4月15日前連線NEAR錢包認領LNR獎勵。LNR將賦予持有者治理權力,包括參與質押和再質押策略、多鏈部署等決策。Genesis空投的LNR總供應量為10億枚,其中:10%將通過空投分配給LiNEAR質押者;9%將用於團隊激勵,為期一年,隨後在未來三年內線性發放;11%的代幣預留用於未來空投;8%用於協議開發;12%用於行銷和運營;27%用於社群計劃;23%將儲存在DAO金庫中。
Octopus Network是NEAR生態多鏈網路,其2.0版本已支援NEAR再質押與自適應IBC,其中,再質押包括驗證者(Validator)與委託者(Delegator)兩種角色。NEAR持有者可參與再質押,使用者可質押至少1萬枚NEAR可執行Appchain節點,委託者至少委託100枚NEAR。Appchain獎勵的70%將用於再質押獎勵,30%將用於回購OCT。Appchain獎勵根據節點再質押的NEAR金額進行分配,再質押額越高,獎勵越多。
Octopus Network代幣OCT總供應量為1億枚,流通供應量為7,870萬枚,市值約為2,449萬美元。Picasso原是波卡生態DeFi協議Composable Finance的Kusama平行鏈,已於1月28日推出Mantis Games,在Solana上引入再質押。最初接受SOL、jitoSOL、mSOL與bSOL,vault上線從5萬枚SOL開始,隨後將增至15萬枚和50萬枚SOL。持有MANTIS Games NFT的使用者可組建戰隊。Mantis第一輪已於1月30日結束,共存入5萬枚SOL,總獎勵為1750萬枚PICA,再質押Vault APY高達67.04%。Mantis Games第二輪即將開始。
1月31日,Picasso與Solend合作整合cTokens(包括cUSDC、cSOL、cUSDT、cSLND),擬將其用於Solana再質押層。使用者可在Solana上的Picasso再質押層(Solana IBC)內再質押cToken,以利用其流動性,使用者可獲得複合收益。
12月7日,比特幣質押協議Babylon完成1800萬美元融資,Polychain Capital和Hack VC領投,Framework Ventures、Polygon Ventures和OKX Ventures、IOSG Ventures等參投。
Yield 24是一個在BNB Chain、以太坊與Polygon等EVM相容鏈上執行的流動性再質押協議,使用者可在該協議中再質押其ETH、BNB、BTC、穩定幣或LRT。目前,Yield 24已在BNB Chain上整合Stader、Ankr Liquidi Staking這2個流動性質押平臺與驗證器,使用者可質押BNB以獲取yBNB,并賺取Yield 24原生代幣Y24代幣獎勵。
Beradrome是Berachain上的再質押與流動性市場,擁有ve(3,3)代幣經濟學、內建賄賂、投票等機制。Beradrome NFT系列為「Tour de Berance」。關於再質押,Beradrome尚未有明顯進展。
Beradrome代幣總供應量為10萬枚,持有「Tour de Berance」NFT可獲得代幣空投。
Origin DeFi是一個DeFi專案,去年5月已在以太坊主網上線基於ETH的收益聚合器Origin Ether(OETH),目前,使用者可在EigenLayer等協議中再質押oETH。OETH使用ETH與LST(stETH、rETH和sfrxETH)作為支援抵押品,確保1枚OETH=1枚ETH。OETH使用Curve、Convex、Curve AMO、Balancer & Aura賺取收益。
Origin DeFi治理代幣OGV總供應量為4,449,673,706枚,流通供應量為645,405,079枚,市值約為520萬美元。
Redacted Cartel是一個老牌DeFi專案,已轉向LSD賽道。2023年4月,Redacted Cartel釋出基於以太坊的超額抵押穩定幣DINERO白皮書,但尚未上線。
Redacted採用雙代幣LST機制,使用者可將ETH存入Redacted DAO的Pirex平臺以鑄造pxETH,并可將pxETH存入Dinero換取apxETH以獲得自動複利獎勵金庫,未質押的pxETH不會獲得質押獎勵。
2月1日,Restaking Cloud – K2核心貢獻者Blockswap DAO社群已投票通過「將Redacted的Pirex ETH整合到kETH與Restake Cloud」提案,擬將apxETH作為其再質押協議的抵押品,並提供更高的質押收益。