动区: Karen你好!首先想聊聊,9GAG作为全球最知名的迷因平台,是发现Web3的什么契机,让公司决定进入NFT领域?
Karen: 9GAG创立至今已有14年,我们一直在思考下一个业务是什么?9GAG的业务始终围绕着用户和广告商,而在这两者之间取得平衡是相当困难的。因此,在考虑下一次冒险时,我们总会思考如果我们真的能够与社群共同拥有某项东西就好了。于是,我们将目光放到Web3,发现该领域可以让我们与社群建立更紧密的关系。这也是为什么9GAG决定冒险进军这个全新领域的原因。GAG has finally chosen to enter Web3, and we are thrilled that Memeland has become the top NFT project in Asia.
In the past, most companies in Taiwan that issued NFTs on Web2 were hoping to promote their original business. However, 9GAG chose to build a completely new brand, Memeland, on Web3. What strategies did you specifically adopt during the expansion process?
Karen: When we first researched Web3, we realized that the audience and business models of Web2 and Web3 are significantly different. Therefore, we couldn’t simply replicate our Web2 business into Web3. We had to create a “completely new” brand to adapt to the operational logic of Web3.
However, when establishing Memeland, we still adopted “meme culture” as the core concept because both Web2 and Web3 have memes. In fact, meme culture is constantly evolving. This allowed us to maintain the original connection with 9GAG while creating a brand new brand.
In that case, what advantages does 9GAG or Memeland have with its large community base?
Karen: Of course, the biggest advantage is that we don’t feel clueless like newcomers when entering the NFT field. We have 14 years of experience successfully operating a community, so we are highly experienced in product development and content creation.
Therefore, when we entered Web3, we knew very clearly that we wanted to build “long-term brand value.” The most correct thing for everyone is:
We know that Memeland currently has three series: MVP (June), Potatoz (July), and Captainz (January of this year). Each series is released at intervals. What is the key to maintaining community engagement during the bear market of NFTs?
Karen: To be honest, there are advantages to building during a bear market because there is less market noise (no one complains), allowing us to focus more on the work itself. Another significant benefit is that we can identify “who really wants to stay.”
I believe the key to maintaining community engagement lies in three factors: “sustaining motivation, rewarding loyal users, and creating a sense of belonging”:
Could you please explain the difference in community management strategies between 9GAG and Memeland?
Karen: In Web2, 9GAG was built anonymously, but in Memeland, all community operators must maintain transparency.我们需要直接面对用户的反馈,并且重要的是区分有价值的灵感和建设性意见,最终创造与社区合作、拉近彼此关系的机会。
动区:想请问在主持 The GM Show 的过程中学到了什么?如何通过这个节目与 Memeland 社区建立更深的联系?
Karen:主持 GM Show 过程中学习到很多,这个节目最主要的目的除了与社区沟通外,最重要的是可以让社区知道 Memeland 正在做什么、未来有什么计划,在这过程中,我们不在意市场价格或是任何外界声音,只专注于在与社区沟通的对话之中,让用户知道成为建设者的挑战和视角是什么。
动区:Memeland 所推出的 Web3 生态已逐渐成行,对未来有什么目标和愿景?
Karen:是的,Memeland 已经推出了三个 NFT 系列,而我们正在加紧开发 SocialFi 的相关产品,大家也知道对于当前的市场来说,项目方需要让 NFT 超越 PFP,扩大受众群体,在下一次牛市中,想要成为蓝筹的基本目标就是在不同方面取得扩张,而 Memeland 希望的是:
需要注意的是,我们希望专注的是 SocialFi 中「社交」的部分,如果过多强调金融(FI),很容易让产品本身变质,所有人只是为了赚钱而使用它,我们想要打造的产品是让社交媒体更有趣,并建立长期存在的价值。
另外,Memeland 也正在打造质押系统 StakeLand,而我们也才刚推出自己的代币 $MEME,未来将有更多的应用将代币整合进 Memeland 生态之中。
实体活动方面,Memeland 计划在不同城市举办线下活动,加强与持有者的一对一的关系,而我们也将赞助创作者,以鼓励持续创作,并丰富社区活动的体验。
NFT新热点》详解 Memeland:12分钟1200万美元销售,2亿人的迷因帝国大迁徙